Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Learn About Malaysia: Rukun Negara (The National Philosophy)

I have just past the halfway point of my stay in Malaysia. Although five months in a place is not long enough to make me an expert, I have hopefully learned enough to tell you a little about what I see going on in Malaysia. I will now start to share with you my understanding of some of what is going on here in terms of politics and social issues. Because I am a scientist, I am obviously well out of my area of expertise. Many of the things that I plan to talk about are controversial and touchy issues here, so I will try to explain things as clearly and fairly as I can.

Rukun Negara

The National Priciples (Rukin Negara) were firt proposed in 1970 following the violent race riots that occured in KL in 1969 (more on that later). It was an attempt by the Malaysian royalty to articulate the principles that guide the development of Malaysia.

Our nation Malaysia is dedicated to

•Achieving a greater unity for all her peoples
•Maintaining a democratic way of life
•Creating a just nation shall be equitably distributed
•Ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions, and
•Building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology.

We, her peoples, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles:

1.Belief in God
2.Loyalty to King and country
3.Supremacy of the constitution
4.Rule of Law
5.Mutual respect and morality.


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