I took this picture of a hornbill from outside of my room. The bugger spent most of his time with his back to me which made it hard to show its bill!
Luckily, the rain stopped in time for us to take our late-afternoon wildlife-viewing cruise. We saw this eagle trying to dry out.
During the morning cruise, we spotted a blur quickly moving back into the forest that the guide said was an orangutan. We were hoping to see it, or one of its friends, during the afternoon cruise. It looks like we got lucky!
I don't know why these stupid animals want to make it so hard for me to take their picture!
OK, so it is not centered, but it is clearly an orangutan! We were able to watch this one for several minutes.
Our orang viewing was interupted several times by hornbills flying across the river.
When we were spending so much time looking for animals it was easy to forget how beautiful the forest was.
Large crocodile resting on the mud bar.
What big teeth you have!
Finally, he swam away.
Another croc? Oh no, just a monitor lizard.
My old friends the Long-tailed Macaques.
Some interesting epiphytes.
Back to the lodge. Time to get ready for dinner.
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