Some of the kids were "hams" and were quite outgoing.....
but many of them were extremely shy.
All of the students who spoke up during the final session and those who had participated especially well during the camp received a book in English to take home with them.
The camp ended with the staff singing a song to the campers and ...
the campers joining the staff in a conga line around the hall. I don't think that Ameicans can take/credit for conga lines. They sound like something from Cuba or Brazil.
I rode back to KL in a bus with the camp staff. They were so tired that most of them were fast asleep before the bus left the hotel parking lot.
Our host for the weekend was the Legend Resort in Cherating Beach. Because we were only there for a short period of time, we had such a busy schedule, and it rained so mucyh while we were there, I really didn't get to explore the hotel and beach at all.
Here is the view from my room's balcony.
This sign was located outside the front entrance of the hotel. Durians, the "King of Fruits", are the most popular fruits in Malaysia. I will have to explain in a later post while they won't allow them in their hotel!
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