One of the benefits of living in a mall is that you never know what exciting new things will be going on. Last week the ground floor of the mall was turned in to a car sales lot whereas this week they are using it to sell beds. A couple of weeks ago, the mall hosted the Thai Street Fashion Runway that was intended to introduce a new fashion line into Malaysia. The mall floor was filled with small stalls selling Thai fashions and there were several fashion shows each day showing off their clothes.
It appears that nothing in Malaysia can begin without speaches from several dignitaries. The obvious big wig at the opening of the Thai Fashion Show was a Minister from the Thai government. After the speaches, they gathered all the dignitaries on stage and shot a lot of confetti into the air. A big chunk of of confetti paper landed on the Ministers head and got stuck in his hair. Either no one could see it or else they were all to scared to tell him it was there, so he sat for the remainder of the fashion show with confetti on his hear (I never have my camera when I need it).
I am sure that it will surprise you, but snappy dresser that I am, I heve never seen a live fashion show. Here are some photos I took. I am waiting for Tyra Banks to call to have me shoot for America's Next Top Model. Until then, I am available for Malaysia's Next Top Model if needed.
The Thai models were all unusually tall which made me think that either they were also members of the Thailand National Volleyball team or that they were really men (they are from Thailand after all).
They let some local girls get in on the act.
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