View From Chilis in KLCC
There are a number of Chilis spread around KL, but the easiest to reach by public transportation is located downtown at KLCC. The Chilis is in the Suria Mall which is located beneath the Petronas Towers. We were lucky to get a table by the window so we had a spectacular view of the KL skyline.
The Class
I was pleased that all six of my students were able to attend and I think that they all had a good time. I was able to introduce them to some new tastes such as chips, queso, and salsa (I had the fajitas). It was nice to be able to chat with them in a little more informal setting. They were able to learn a bit more about the US and I was able to learn a bit more about Malaysia and Iran (one of my students is Iranian).
This photo of the best-looking class in Malaysia was taken in front of the Harley Davidson shop located next to Chilis in the mall.
KLCC at Night
You can see the red "Chillis" sign in the window at the bottom of the photo.
First Christas Tree of the Season!
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