Part of the train ride from PJ to KL passes along the "river". The river has been highly channelized and it appears that the concrete walls along the river are a favorite place for Malay grafitti artists to work.
I took these photos a few weeks ago from the Pasar Seni LRT Station, but I forgot to post them. Early last week they had painted over all of these figures on the wall. By late in the week the wall was completely covered by grafitti again. I saw someone working on their "art" during midday so he didn't seem very worried about getting caught. If my camera ever gets repaired I will try to take some photos of the new paintings.
I am not sure what all of these mean, but some of them are pretty.
Support for Palestine
There does seem to be a fair amount of support among the Malays for Palestine in their struggle with Israel. I think that this arises partly because they are Muslim and partly because they are an example of a people who have had their native land taken from them. If there are any bad feelings towards Americans in Malaysia (which I almost never experience) then it is related to the US's support for Israel (and the fact that "Western influences" are responsible for all of Malaysian society's ills).
Here is a view of how the river looks as is passes through the city. Nature at its finest!
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