Sipadan is best known for large animals such as sea turtles, sharks, and baracudas. Today on the second dive everything came together for one of those dives I will remember for a lifetime.
One of my fellow divers, Bianca from Australia, rented a camera from the dive shop today and she took some nice photos. I will just post a few to give you an idea about some of the amazing things that I have seen.
Green Sea Turtles
We saw lots of green sea turtles on every dive at Sipadan. You could see them swimming, feeding, or sleeping in little caves in the wall.
White-tipped Reef SharksWe also saw white-tips on every dive at Sipadan. Usually, we saw them swimming either above or below us along the wall, but sometimes we saw them resting on the sand.
School of Baracudas
Sipadan is also well known for this large group of baracudas. Often these fish are found at a dive site known as Baracuda Point. I dove on this site four times and was lucky enough to see the school twice. We were even luckier that there were no currents when we saw the school because when the water is calm they circle in this large cylinder shaped school. When we saw it the second time the school extended from 50 feet to the surface. When there is a current, all of the baracudas orient by facing into the current.
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