UM Dress Code.
Prohibited: (1) Tattered, ripped jeans, (2) tight pants, (3)shorts (uh oh, I am in trouble), (4) t-shirts with derogatory pictures or words.
Prohibited: (5) sleeveless shirts, (6) tight and see-through clothes, (7) body revealing dresses, (8) skirts that exeed four inches above the kneew (I don't know who the official measurer is- what a tough job).
Prohibited: (9) unruly hair, (10) face accessories, (11) brightly colored and odd hair styles, and finally the always evil (12) flip flops.
I have posted many photos taken around UM campus so you have some idea what students are wearing. In my experience I don't see that many students attempt to flaunt the dress code but similarly it does not seem to be overly enforced (e.g., it is pretty common to see students wearing flip flops and the occasional short skirt). If you want to see any of the prohibited clothing styles, then you merely have to go to any of the major malls on the weekend!
What Not To Do With A Water Fountain!
Other Exciting On-Campus News!
There are monkeys living on the UM campus. How cool is that!?! I must admit that the prairie dogs and jackrabbits living on the Tech campus are great, but monkeys!!! I haven't seen any yet, because I am usually on campus during the middle of the day which is not prime monkey viewing time. I will make an expedition soon to take some photos!!
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