Rather than holding graduation immediately after the end of the semester like we do in the states, graduation ceremonies are held during the middle of the next school term. They have been holding graduation ceremonies at UM for the last couple of days. Because the graduataion ceremonies take place in the Dewan Tunku Canselor building located directly across the street from my office, I have had a front row seat for the festivities. The bright coloration of traditional Malay and Indian-Malaysian clothing, combined with the royal purple graduation robes made for a colorful sight, which my photos, of course, fail to do justice. The excitment of the graduates and the proud faces of the parents and grandparents are the same at all graduations around the world.
Over 6500 students will be awarded degrees from UM this week. Benjamin Ong Jia Ming, who graduated with a degree in Ecology and Biodiveristy received the Royal Education Award as one of the two top graduates. It was great to see an ecologist as one of the top performing students.!
Leaving the morning graduation ceremony
A Tradition We Should Try at Tech?
On convocation days there are a large number of booths spread across campus selling gifts for the new grads.
Winnie the Pooh is often a featured attraction (don't ask me- I report, you decide)
If anybody at Tech starts selling Winnie the Pooh at graduation and I don't get a cut, then I will be pretty ticked off.
Any Problems From Holding Graduation on a Typical School Day?
At Tech we hold graduation on a Saturday so that there is no competition for parking spaces. At UM they solved the parking problem simply by allowing people to park on the lawn. Many families were holding picnics on the lawn- sort of a "graduation tailgate".
Congratulations to all of the graduates. I hope that the future of Malaysia is in good hands.
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